Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Samplings of Jackson

 Jackson is now an amazing 8 months old! I'm a happy mom because he still hasn't explored the realm of crawling and moving all over the place...As you can see in this picture, he plays with all of his toys until he accidentally pushes them all beyond his "reachable" radius. Hilarious to us, but sad for him. :)  The saddest part, however, is when he DOES reach for the farthest strewn toy and does a faceplant into another toy. Ouch. Sometime all too soon he'll figure it all out and be reaching all over the whole house for my toys instead of his. Watch out, mom!
 Jackson likes to wear sweet potatoes as lipstick instead of eating them. Ridiculous. And these are delicious, homemade sweet potatoes! I even sampled them myself. Michael also agrees they're tasty. Jackson used to gobble them up...but lately the only thing he's consuming very well is momma's milk. I'm guessing it's a phase? This too shall pass.
When we were at church with my sister in Dallas, Jackson was a very tired boy and thus not so happy. That is, until we discovered a magical green ribbon that entertained him for almost an hour; he sucked it to the point of absolute saturation. An idea was born in my head for a bracelet covered in many colorful ribbons that he could suck to his hearts' content. Miracle of miracles, I actually made it yesterday, and he LIKES it!!! Score!


  1. Babe, you are such a terrific blogger. I love your writing style and the way you tell the stories about our family. It is said perfectly!

    We have the best son in the world because you're the best mom in the whole world!

    -your biggest fan, your husband.

  2. Love the blog posts and all the fun pictures; thanks for posting! It is fun to read about your adventures and feel like I was almost there....can't wait for our family reunion where we can be together.
    xoxo to Jackson from Grandma Carrie!!!!

  3. Yea for pictures of Jackson! He's adorable and you look great. Keep up the blogging I love to be updated!

  4. I love it! What a great idea with the ribbons! You look gorgeous in that picture by the way :) He is getting SO big!
