Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lion King meets Hunger Games

For the first time since our move to Lubbock, Michael and I had the privilege of going to the movie theater! Our awesome friends the Plotts watched baby Jackson, and Michael and I were off to see Hunger Games. We'd built up a lot of excitement to see the movie because we both read the first book, and then we read the 2nd and 3rd together. I thought they did a great job choosing the cast, as well as capturing the essence of the book without being overly gory. The best part, however, came from the audience and not the movie! In the quiet moment when Peeta is putting the special healing goop on Katniss' forehead, someone did an excellent imitation of Rafiki's voice and said, "CIMBA!" Really loud. At first there were a few giggles, and then the whole theater just roared with laughter when they realized how much it really resembled the part in the Lion King when Rafiki paints Cimba. Hilarious. You'd have to be there to really get the sense of how funny that was in the middle of such a tense movie. Loads of fun!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I literally busted up laughing for a full minute. When I told Jet what was so funny, he just said, "ok" and looked at me like I was crazy. That's hilarious.

    1. I'm so glad you can find the humor in it! :) Other people I've told have had the same reaction as Jet. I was beginning to think it was one of those "you just had to be there" kind of things.
